Join in / Join the digitisation of cultural heritage
Join the digitisation of cultural heritage

Institutions and individual stakeholders can join the Croatian Cultural Heritage project in a variety of ways.
You can apply for funding from the Ministry of Culture by filling out the prescribed form for material digitisation projects and the application form for the competition for public funding needs in culture announced by the Ministry. As a rule the competition is advertised once a year in the media and on the Ministry’s web pages.
Even though you have not applied for the above competition, you can send your digitisation project proposal to the Project Office, and discuss your idea with its professional staff, who will provide advice and guidance for the design of your project.
You can also approach the Project Office with questions and problems that have emerged in the work on your project. Even if we may not know the proper answer, we shall find someone whom you can consult. Send us information on your own digital cultural heritage collections or those that you have knowledge about. In this way they will become more visible and accessible to users. If your own collections and contents are involved, you can also describe and present them by yourself.
The working groups dealing with specific digitisation questions are not closed. If you are engaged in digitisation, or have experience or knowledge on any of its aspects, and want to participate in the development of standards and procedures, or share your experience with others, contact us.
Institutions having specific technical and professional resources can make them available to others. Let us know what you can offer: your help or service can be precious to them and help them to implement their project