How to enter a project

If you have a collection of cultural assets and would like to store it in digital form, register the project of digitisation of your material. You can also register your project for the competition of the Ministry of Culture.
Registration of the project for funding
Information on the competition and registering procedure are available on the web pages of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. The competition is published once a year, as a rule in July.
When applying for the competition pay attention to the instructions published in the invitation for the competition.
You can find the competition list and the respective documentation here.
Preliminary project
Regardless of the deadlines for the competition on the funding of public needs in culture, you can send the proposal of your project (preliminary project) to the Croatian Cultural Heritage Project Office for consultation, review and preliminary evaluation of the proposed project.
Our aim is to receive as many well-prepared proposals for digitisation projects as possible. Do not wait for the announcement of the competition with your preliminary project: it is always better to have a proposal ready rather than having to elaborate it in the last moment.
We would recommend that you to send your project proposal on the "Project proposal" form which also contains all required instructions.
You do not have to wait until your project is fully drafted: fill in as much as you momentarily can taking doe account o be as concrete as possible when presenting the data on the material you want to digitise and the expected products, and making use of the instructions for preparing the digitisation project.